The New Mars Cycle: Understand Your Call to Adventure

The Call

Mars’s new synodic cycle with Earth begins on September 2nd and lasts about two years. A synodic cycle is the changing relationship between two planets in our solar system seen from the perspective of the sun; in this case, we are talking about the relationship between the Earth and Mars as they move through their respective orbits around the Sun.

Mars’ synodic cycle is frequently interpreted by astrologers as the hero’s journey. The hero’s journey is the story told in every superhero, quest, or sci-fi movie you’ve ever seen. It’s “the metaphorical portrayal of the archetypal life pattern of the spiritual quest,” as archetypal psychologist and astrologer Keiron Le Grice wrote.

And so the beginning of the Mars cycle is the call to adventure. But how do we discern the call? And even if we know what we’re called to do, how do we find the will to act?

Attune to Your Will; Heed the Call

Before Mars begins its two-year journey, it meets with Venus for about 10 days to clarify the nature of our unique calls to adventure.

What is it that we truly want and what do we think we *should* want? Are our goals in alignment with an authentic sense of purpose or are they messages we receive from society and our families? Venus joining Mars for the beginning of his spiritual quest facilitates connection to our hearts and our deeply-held values so that we can discern a course of action that brings our hearts, bodies, and wills into greater alignment.

Paramhansa Yogananda said that your will is desire plus energy. Willpower is using this desired energy and directing it outward. Venus and Mars coming together now helps us to examine our desires and attune our will in that direction.

Virgo: Why do I do what I do?

Mars's hero's journey begins in the constellation Virgo, symbolized by a virgin. Or, mother nature. Or the creative essence, perfect in itself yet endlessly playing out the dance of life and death.

Virgo frequently gets characterized as the sign of doing things and being useful in the world. Catalyzing energies, putting things in the right place, and being helpful. Assembling, building, cataloguing, bean counting. This is a wonderful energy that can run on and on, building and dismantling.

But the shadow of Virgo is incessant doing and perfectionism. Every opportunity must be seized and every detail must be right. Our culture currently has an obsession with two Virgo themes: data as truth and the feeling of not being or doing enough.

At the moment when the new Mars cycle begins in Virgo, it is also configured with Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. Ask yourself the following:

What is the higher purpose of what you are building and doing? Are you in tune with your own higher self?

Of course, knowing where Virgo falls in your chart is important. Book a reading to find out!

Proverbs 4.7

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. (King James Version)

Paramhansa Yogananda defined understanding as "your inner vision, the intuitive faculty by which you can clearly perceive the truth-- about yourself and others, and all situations that arise in your path--and correctly adjust your attitudes and actions accordingly."

I encourage you to use the inception moment of Mars’s synodic cycle to discern, clarify, and hone your will. And I hope that it will lead you to your own truth and perfect creative capacity.


Le Grice, Keiron. The Rebirth of the Hero: Mythology as a Guide to Spiritual Transformation.

Yogananda, Paramhansa. The Divine Romance.

Jennifer Kellogg

Trauma-informed spiritual guidance to support your well-being and growth.

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